

Thursday, March 3, 2011

We made it!

Check out "Baby" riding with daddy :)

After 22 hours of travel (car, plane, bus)  we finally arrived at our new home, well, temporary home :).  The trip went pretty well, for the most part, Parker did well.  We had a few issues in the Frankfurt airport, but all in all it went fine.  Taking the car seat on the plane was a great plan.  Parker was strapped in and secure in a familiar place and slept for a large part of the overnight flight.

When we arrived it was cold and dark, so we weren't able to see much of the base.  John had to handle some housekeeping duties, so Parker and I were dropped off at the Sunrise Inn.  Our room consist of one large (20x12) room with a double bed, dresser, closet, desk, couch, and coffee table and a separate bathroom with a shower, but no tub.  The tub is greatly missed, Parker and I have had some interesting showers :)!

The first night was miserable.  We all had to share the double bed and Parker was tired, but didn't think it was time to sleep.  John spent most of the night on the floor and we fought in the bed.  We all finally fell asleep about 2am here (6pm in GA).  We began day two at the office of the Inn (it was closed when we arrived Monday night) to request a baby bed, which arrived promptly.

We spent all of Tuesday and Wednesday running around post taking care of  John's in-processing stuff.  To say the post is small would be an over-statement, it's tiny!  We have walked almost everywhere, dragging Parker in her car seat wheel thing (Denney, we are SO greatfull to have it!).

We found out today that we are getting our house next Tuesday.  It's supposed to be a nice house with 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths.  It's in a town about 10 km from the base.  The last family to live in it was a Lt. Col, so I think we lucked out.....we'll see :)!

On Tuesday night we went to eat at a nice German restaurant with our sponsor, Brandon.  John had venison, I had trout, and Parker had some sort of german noodles.  We all enjoyed our first "real" German meal.

None of our stuff has arrived yet.  We are expecting the unaccompanied baggage any day.  As for the household goods  and the car, all we know is that they are "in transit".  The house that we are getting already has "loaner" furniture in it, so we should be fine until our stuff gets here.

Let the adventure continue...


Rachel and Cameron

I'm so glad you posted!! I have been thinking about you guys! Sounds like things were rough that first night, but have greatly improved. I'm so glad you're getting a house so fast. that's great news. I miss talking to you so call whenever you can. I bet you're glad Bailey isn't there yet... that would have been tough. We leave in the morning for Birmingham and then it's off to find a house for us. Glad yall are doing well and that Parker slept on the plane. That's great!! Miss yall!

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