

Saturday, December 21, 2013

November 2013...hmmm....

So the truth be told, I don't really remember much about November.  Judy was here the first week and then John was on rotation.  Our week with Judy was spent lounging around the house, shopping, and eating.  John left the 2nd or 3rd and was gone until the day before Thanksgiving....the month was looooong.  The kids and I got ourselves into a good rhythm and made it through without any major drama/trauma :).  The day after Thanksgiving we left the littles with Melanie and Ileana, first babysitter for Liam, and we took Parker to a HUGE indoor playground.  Lolihop, is the biggest indoor playground in Germany.  It is in a remote part of Munich that we had never been to.  It was like our beloved Wolpiland x10.  Parker had fun and they even had face painting.  We were greeted back home by a snow storm!  One thing is for sure, winter is here :).


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