

Monday, April 18, 2011

Prague (Praha) April 2011

My mom arrived in Bavaria last Friday morning with our beloved boxer, Bailey.  Parker was SO glad to have her "doooog".  She loved on her (with kisses) and danced around her most of the day!
 We got up on Saturday morning and after dropping Bailey off at the kennel, we headed for Prague (or as it's called here, Praha).  Prague is about 2.5 hours from where we live, so we got there about 1:00pm.  There was some kind of mix-up with our hotel reservations, so while we waited for John to sort out the problem we got out to stretch our legs......

After all was said and done we ended up with a better room, in a better hotel, in a WAY better location!  The Odyssey even got a fabulous parking spot in a monastery, yes, where the monks live.  The hotel was VERY nice and did all they could to make up for the mistake.  Once we parked the car we made our way down the hill to our new hotel.
We wondered around our part of town and across the Charles Bridge most of the afternoon and into the evening.  The weather was nice, and for the most part Parker did well....

Day 2 in Prague began with exploring the castle (and with cheese!)

Next, we took a short break for adult beverages and a snack.  Parker enjoyed playing with the pretty flowers while we enjoyed what the Czech is known for....the beer :).
After our break we headed for Kutna Hora, a small town about an hour outside of Prague.  We spent the rest of the afternoon touring this small, quiet town made famous by it's silver mines and mint.  We saw the Bone church in the morning, where it's estimated that the bones of 40,000 people "rest". 

After the Bone Church, we toured around the city....mom found a wine shop, and Parker FINALLY fell asleep!

We ended our day with dinner at the Monastery Brewery (the same one the Odyssey was staying at)! Dinner and Easter beer, what a way to end a day!
Day 3 in Prague:  We wrapped up our world wind tour with a trip to the Old Town Square to see the astronomical clock and the Easter Market.  Parker enjoyed feeding the sheep, petting the horses, and chasing the pigeons.


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